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Sep, 2024


Hello everyone! This is an email to everyone on our newsletter list. If you want to be removed from this list you can unsubscribe below but you will miss all the great things happening at Lyndon.




We still need some concession workers to finish out the season and we have a tournament later in October. So, those interested must be at least 14 and they can apply here. We now have three concession stands so we do need more workers.




We are currently open with a soft opening this week for our third concession stand which is in the triangle between field 10, 7, 8 and 11. I feel this is a great place to have a concession stand but the plan is to make it unique. We can't sell hot food but we will have bottled drinks and snacks some unique to this stand) but we will eventually start selling Lyndon "swag" like shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, etc. So, it will be a work in progress but hope you stop by and check out what we have there. Oh yeah, we are calling it the Swag Shop.




Yeah, I like naming things. The Teeball/Peewee/Football concession stand is also open. It will have some hot items like popcorn and hotdogs and it will have fountain drinks but it will also be limited as it just isn't big enough to have everything. However, it is also open. (The window is on the football side of the building).




As we make improvements and additions, my job gets even more busier. We currently have someone (Jennifer) helping with these three concession stands but I am not sure if we will have her next spring. So, if you are interested in helping out with our concessions in any capacity, let me know.


That is all I have for today but stay tuned as there are a few other new things coming soon. Oh yeah, we have had a rough year with repairs needed to our electrical systems and our facilities vehicles along with our normal repairs around the park. (It is a beautiful park but the facilities are old and a lot of repairs are needed). So, if you are in a place you can help a little (or a lot), you can donate here to help cover these costs.


Thank you!




Lyndon Recreation Association
9310 Whipps Mill Road 
Louisville, Kentucky 40242

Phone: 502-425-9301
Email: [email protected]

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